داستان آبیدیک

system integrator


1 برق و الکترونیک:: ادغامگر سیستم

6.5 System integration guidelines 6-26 Printed circuit board manufacturers have not been able to create designs with clearly defined capabilities to dissipate heat, and system integrators have not had the necessary thermal data to design a system, mandated by the specifications. The system integrator will be required to evaluate the compatibility/ interoperability of Modules and Carriers involved. � 13 To assist systems integrators' efforts to assess airflow paths through the Carrier, it is often useful to provide a table showing the Carrier's impedance through each of the five zones outlined in Figure 5-4, "Airflow zones of Modules and Carriers." REQ 5.2 The system integrator shall ensure that the airflow through the Carrier and all installed AMCs ensures the required operational temperatures of the installed components in the defined environment.

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